Ningbo Penglong Display Equipment Co.,Ltd

Enterprise will not Relax in Epidemic Prevention, and Firmly Build a Safe Produc

Published: 2022-07-01 Hits: 749

Enterprise will not Relax in Epidemic Prevention, and Firmly Build a Safe Production Defense Line

The current epidemic situation is severe and complex. In order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, effectively block the spread of the epidemic, and ensure normal operation, Penglong Company timely adjusted the epidemic prevention and control measures according to the spirit of the superior instructions, focusing on nucleic acid and travel inspection, entry and exit account, disinfection and sterilization and other aspects of strengthening supervision, implementing inspection, follow-up rectification, and consolidating the enterprise epidemic prevention and control work.

Establish a WeChat group for epidemic prevention and control. The general responsible person and epidemic prevention responsible person of the enterprise shall be contacted within the group, and the spirit of the superior meeting and the latest policy requirements shall be conveyed at the first time, so as to ensure that the situation is communicated, the response is timely, and the connection is seamless.

Strengthen the inspection of epidemic prevention. The staff shall inspect the factory twice a day, check the implementation of the gatekeeper, check the staff turnover, and check the driver's code scanning, temperature measurement and registration. Actively do a good job in disinfectionand sterilization the incoming and outgoing raw materials and packaging to ensure safety. Put forward problems and requirements for inspection.

Advocate that employees should not leave Yao unnecessarily, and try to complete business contacts with suppliers and customers online to reduce contact. At present, for public areas, we require disinfection and sterilization every day. Visitors and vehicles entering the park must scan the "site code", show the nucleic acid negative report within 72 hours, and measure the body temperature. Only when the body temperature is normal can they register information and enter the factory.
Carry out "look back" review. Rectify and improve the existing problems one by one as required. The person in charge of prevention and control carried out a "look back" review, random inspection from time to time, followed up the implementation of the rectification of the enterprise, ensured that the rectification was in place, effectively implemented various prevention and control measures, and jointly forged a firewall for epidemic prevention and control.