Ningbo Penglong Display Equipment Co.,Ltd

Abide by the Safety Production Law and Be the First Fesponsible Person

Published: 2022-07-01 Hits: 48481

Abide by the Safety Production Law and Be the First Fesponsible Person

——The 21st National "Safe Production Month"
This June is the 21st "Safe Production Month" in China. According to the deployment of the Work Safety Committee of the State Council and governments at all levels, Penglong Company carried out the "Work Safety Month" activity with the theme of "Abide by the Work Safety Law and Be the First Responsible Person" throughout the company from June 11 to 30, comprehensively promoting the implementation of all work related to work safety this year, further strengthening the sense of responsibility, strengthening public security according to law, implementing "one post with two responsibilities", and improving the safety quality of all employees, To lay a solid foundation for the sustainable and stable development of Penglong's safety production.
Penglong specially issued a notice to arrange and deploy the "Safety Production Month" activity, and set up the "Safety Production Month" activity leading group to make overall arrangements for the "Safety Production Month" activity of the whole company, and guide, supervise and serve the "Safety Production Month" activity of each department, The activities include a series of activities such as "Launching Ceremony of Safety Production Month", safety theme publicity activities, safety production publicity and consultation day activities, enterprise safety risk announcement, hidden danger investigation and management activities and safety inspection activities, safety production accident warning education, safety emergency plan drill activities, "accident hidden danger snapshot" activities, safety competition activities, and safety culture construction publicity.
Penglong requires all departments to earnestly implement, guarantee the funds for activities, make overall arrangements, make overall arrangements and make orderly progress. While implementing the activities arranged by the provincial "Work Safety Month" activity steering committee, the resident government and the group company, we should plan the activities in accordance with their actual conditions and scientifically organize the activities of the "Work Safety Month". During the "Work Safety Month", all departments should make full use of various media to publicize and report the activities, positively guide and scientifically play the role of new media such as WeChat, mobile newspaper, TV, and micro film, strengthen public opinion supervision, expand publicity momentum, and form a better atmosphere conducive to work safety. During the activity, each department shall summarize, publicize and report the contents of each activity, and keep video and text materials for each activity to ensure the successful completion of this activity and the expected results.